A regular stream of daily work on Instagram. @ddmeagain

David Davies. A visual artist and writer based in Norfolk UK, and L’Indre, Central France. A member of the long established London artist society Free Painters and Sculptors.

The visual work stretches from figurative to abstract, but falls mostly in between. Often imagined land and seascapes that rely heavily on the so called ‘happy accident’, and the unpredictable effects of paint colliding with paint, discovering the unimagined colours that I would never have thought to combine.

Whether figurative or abstract, I am constantly seeking out arrangements that surprise me, in the hope that it will have the same effect on others. That surprise is everything to me…the small moment when something I have created would appear to have been made by another’s hand. The same could be said for my writing of poetry and short fiction.

That moment may be as brief as a fraction of a second, but speaks volumes to me in as much as it informs me as to whether it has any aesthetic value. That value of course is subjective…’the eye of the beholder’…but the moment can be illuminating.

Email. david.davies@ymail.com

Dark Deletions (diptych mounted on A3 paper). Charcoal on torn paper collaged surface.
Ancient Pathways and Hidden Waterways

Hidden Depths
Beneath the Jetty
Dream of the Oyster Farm 3
La Maison Dorée
Pill Box
Prairie Sculpture
A Small Evening Landslide
Fast Car (collage)
Road Across the Scree Slopes 3
Round Tower
Low Tide
Lakeside Community

Internal Landscapes (series)

From the Ashes 1
Glimpse of Tartarus

Town in Fog 1

Shoot Off #4

Elysium Orchard (Elysium series)

Sunset over the scrub (digital drawing over charcoal and walnut ink sketch)
Flesh and Payne’s 1.
Feint Deletion

Desert Blooms (series)

Stubble Fire

Firefly cave 1
Out of the Ashes 3
Charred Wood Sculpture (Blue & Maroon)
Bridge Near the Copse (collage)
The Crimson Islands


Many Moons 1

Many Moons 2

Many Moons 3

Many Moons 4

Pathways to the Copses #1. (Ink/charcoal on collaged surface)
A Meeting of Minds

Celtic Monument (Nocturnal Landscape series)

Landing (the Styx) series

Burnt Forest #1. (1/10)

Wooden Vessel

Two Walks ( blind charcoal diptych)

Dangerous Cargo (series)

Cartographer with Copse

The Forgotten Tripod

German Tower (series)

Night Drivers Across the Lake

Italian Heroes 1.

Northerly Migration

Channel Swimmer. (Charcoal/ colour pencil)


Bay Evening

Geological Feature (series)

Surveillance: Two Nuns. (Charcoal drawing)

Dance Diptych (Caged series)

Lighthouse at Elysium. (Underworld series)

From the Ashes 1

Denizens of the Asphodel. (Underworld series)

Scree Slide
Dream of the Oyster Farm 2
Oradour3. (Collage)
Dream of the Oyster Farm 1
Fireflies in Tartarus
Navigating the Corrugations
Through Sienna
Icebergs 1
Rise Beyond the Forest (Autumn)
Hidden Depths
Towards the Mossy Headland

‘On our first approach, the island looked promisingly verdant…’

Window on the Outback

Burning Stubble
Jungle Mirror
Les Deux Voyeurs

’Sea Squall’. (collage)

Blood Line
The Cautious Mountain Hiker
‘On our first approach, the island looked promisingly verdant…’
Fusain 1

’Fusain 2’

Three Views of the Trig Point
Snail’s Pace. 1
Subterranean Hotspots

two chairs (blind drawings)

Postcard from a muted heaven
Lie of the Land 3

blind chair drawings multiple

The Fall 1 (dip.)
The Fall 2.(dip.)
Entanglement ( mini dip)
Fusain 1
Blue Mirage 1
Blue Mirage 2
‘…the glade seemed to hold its own special light…’
Firefly Theatre
Night Vipers
Fast Cars in the Night (diptych)
Departed Audience ( chair multiple) blind drawings
Oradour 4 (acrylic collage on distressed paper)
P.177. Dresden 1930s. (Postcard portrait). (1/10)
Refugees (Mother and Child) Germany, WW2. (1/10)
Window on the Blue Lagoon
Shore of the Crimson Island
Blue Sentinel
Squall (collage)
The Cartographer with Copse 2 ( oil- the Cartographer series)
The Cartographer with Copse 1. (Oil-the Cartographer series)
White-Out 1. (oil- the Cartographer series)
White-Out 2. (oil- the Cartographer series)
White-Out 3. (oil- the Cartographer series)
The Lost Theodolite. (oil-the Cartographer series)

Dark Landscape (walnut ink)
High Point of the Crimson Island
Viking Boat Pyre (1 of triptych) – the Send Off
Viking Boat Pyre (2 of triptych – the Sinking
Viking Boat Pyre (3 of triptych) – the Submergence
Viking Boat Pyre ( the complete triptych)
High Point of the Crimson Island
The palmy fringe
Wreck- the first sighting
Ice Flow and Aurora
Claude’s Garden


Mountain Road — dusk
Mirrored Sky 1
Mirrored Sky 2
Wildfires in the Canyon. (diptych)
Campers on the Plateau

Pile of Chairs (blind charcoal drawing)

Two Chairs ( blind charcoal drawing)

Evening Camp


( A series of drawings/paintings in charcoal, Contè crayon and ink drawn blind as a means of detaching myself from ‘correct drawing’ in a search for the surprise that comes in the transition from figurative to mark making abstraction.

Chairs Have Their Ghosts #5
Chairs Have Their Ghosts #1
Chairs Have Their Ghosts #4
Chairs Have Their Ghosts #8
Chairs Have Their Ghosts #7
Chairs Have Their Ghosts #6
Chairs Have Their Ghosts ( diptych)
Chairs Have Their Ghosts (series) – A Chairness of Chairs.
Chairs Have Their Ghosts (series) diptych (carbon paper and Conté)

A Facebook Exchange on the chair drawings.

Chairs Have Their Ghosts (series) – A Chairness of Chairs.
Ghosts of a Departed Audience
Interior with Chair and Oriental Rug
Pale Chair ( diptych)
Evening Read
‘…but some of us are looking at the stars…’
Orion from the birch copse ( acrylic / ink sketch on Book Hive wrapping paper)
Haystack Memory (Bosnia 1970s)

Internal Landscape series